Two-Eyed Seeing Approach in Fisheries Management and Research

By on January 27, 2025
Lake Erie from Chatham-Kent Highway 3, Chatham-Kent, Ontario Lake Erie from Chatham-Kent Highway 3, Chatham-Kent, Ontario (Credit: Ken Lund via Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Two-Eyed Seeing approach is a joint strategy that requires the equal collaboration of state and government agencies and Indigenous peoples. While these two groups have historically operated separately, the Two-Eyed Seeing approach calls for management and research topics to include the perspectives, needs, and knowledge of Indigenous populations that have lived in and relied on the region for thousands of years.

Benefits of the Two-Eyed Seeing Approach

One major benefit of working together is the combination of modern environmental monitoring and data collection with years of expertise in the environment. For example, instead of conducting an in-depth survey to determine where a certain species can be found, local tribes that have fished the area for generations can direct researchers to sites with high populations.

The Two-Eyed Seeing approach requires researchers to transcend the rigidness of science and open themselves to the expertise of outside groups.

A 2022 study highlights that collaboration in this manner also ensures that data collection and analysis are more transparent and encourages the consideration of Indigenous perspectives that have been historically excluded.

Furthermore, as multi-use fisheries require unique, holistic management strategies, every group must be considered when designing solutions. In regions like the Great Lakes, a wide variety of environmental and anthropogenic stressors threaten the natural ecosystem, the collapse of which would impact both groups.

Because both state institutions and Indigenous peoples are invested in the fishery’s future, equitable collaboration and knowledge co-production in ecological research are key components of protecting the Great Lakes.

The same study stresses that the early involvement of Indigenous groups is key to the successful implementation of the Two-Eyed Seeing approach. In cases where First Nations groups were excluded until a later stage, they were less efficient and did not reap the full benefits of the approach.

To succeed, the Two-Eyed Seeing approach must be based on an equitable partnership. When utilized correctly and with equal collaboration from the two parties, research runs more smoothly, and management approaches benefit a larger population as more voices are considered.

As with all types of collaboration, partnerships allow for easier equipment and data sharing, the establishment of a larger research area, and increased investment in and understanding of the research.

In addition to improving research and making management strategies more comprehensive, the Two-Eyed Seeing approach can improve relationships between various institutions and First Nations groups that have historically operated independently.


In complex ecosystems like those of the Great Lakes, it’s important for state scientists to rely on the knowledge of people who have been living off of the land for thousands of years. Furthermore, when developing management plans, the needs of these communities are vital to protecting and preserving aquatic ecosystems for future use.

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  1. Pingback: FishSens Magazine | Benefits and Barriers to Effective Knowledge Exchange Between Commercial Anglers and Fisheries Researchers - FishSens Magazine

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